Dr Anita Sharma is a GP with a special interest in gynaecology in Oldham. She is chair of the Women Doctors Forum of the British International Doctors Association, education lead for the FDA North West, and chair of the Endometriosis Awareness North Charity.
She is involved with the BRIT 2 project with the University of Manchester to help GPs reduce antibiotic prescribing. She is also a GP member of the NICE GDG on menopause and breast cancer.
Anita is also a GP triager in Oldham for gynaecology and respiratory referrals and ex-clinical director for vascular and medicines optimisation at Oldham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
She is chair of Women’s Doctors Forum BIDA and chair of Endometriosis Awareness North Charity.
She is an undergraduate trainer attached to the University of Manchester, trainer for Physician Associates. She is the GP editor for the British Journal of Medical Practitioners and writes regularly in various GP magazines on clinical and practice development issues.
Anita served as a locality member in the West Pennine Local Medical Committee and was the editor of the LMC newsletter. She is a GP appraiser for NHS Northwest. She won the British Medical Association Medical Book Award in 2014 first prize for “Gynaecology in Primary Care: A Practical Guide”.
Her other books mainly aimed for primary care are: COPD in Primary Care, Maximising Quality and Outcomes Framework and Peripheral Vascular Disease in Primary Care.