MIMS Learning Live events are for UK GPs, Nurses and Pharmacists working in Primary Care

Dr Elaine Tomlins
Consultant nurse/lead cancer nurse, The Royal Marsden NHS FT
Elaine has been a cancer nurse for over 30 years . She has gained experience in HIV, radiation oncology , medical oncology and bone marrow transplant. During time in Australia
Elaine completed an oncology course and a BN at the University of Sydney. She held positions of clinical lecturer in the New South Wales College of Nursing and was invited to help set up a bone marrow transplant programme in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. Returning to the UK and began a role as a CNS at University Hospital Southampton. It was here she began to study a MSC in nursing at Portsmouth university and on completion was appointed the senior nurse for the care group. Elaine completed a PhD programme at the University of Southampton in 2009 . Elaine was appointed consultant nurse in 2004 and held a joint appointment with the University of Southampton as senior lecturer and academic practitioner. Along with her colleague Alison Keen she co authored a book on women's cancers and has written numerous book chapters on SACT and has over 50 publications in academic journals .
Elaine had an opportunity to study an MSC in healthcare leadership through the NHS leadership Academy which she completed in 2017 .Her dissertation is called board to bedside looking at how senior managers hear the patient voice.
Elaine sits on several national and international committees and in addition she is a founding member of the United Kingdom Association of Supportive Cancer Care- UKASCC and sits on the CINV MASCC study group. Elaine has recently moved to the Royal Marsden Hospital as a consultant nurse and lead cancer nurse and continues to spend time in practice in nurse led SACT clinics. Currently PI on a CINV study called my risk