We are currently working on putting together an exciting lineup for MIMS Learning Live North 2024.

Be sure to check in for any new updates you might have missed!

Don't need convincing and want to secure your place now?

Stream A

Women's Health | Mental Health | Cardiovascular | Oncology

plus sponsored sessions

Stream B

Rheumatology | End of life care | Type 2 diabetes ENT

plus sponsored sessions

09:15 - 10:00

Improving access to cardiorenal protection in T2DM: implementing NICE guidance

09:45 - 10:30

Challenges around Hyperkalaemia Management in Primary Care - Case Study

10:00 - 10:45

Women's health hot topics

10:30 - 11:15

Crystal disease (gout and pseudogout): common dilemmas and solutions in Primary Care

Gout and pseudogout are known as “crystal diseases” and are common in primary care, affecting >1% of the population. This talk will focus on:

  • Diagnosis: what to consider and differential diagnoses
  • How to manage difficult to treat cases in the community
  • When to refer onward and what do rheumatologists do differently?

COFFEE BREAK | (Stream A: 10:45 - 11:15) (Stream B: 11:15 - 11:45)

11:15 - 12:00

COPD in 2023

This session covers the latest changes to guidelines in COPD, reviews optimal preventer strategies to reduce exacerbations and to discuss how to improve patient experiences. The session uses information from GOLD and NICE when discussing guidelines and treatments. The session also covers involving the patient and what they should be expecting from COPD care.

11:45 - 12:30

Managing Cow's Milk Allergy: First-line Practical Strategies for Primary Care

This session will focus on the recognition, diagnosis and management of cows milk allergy in infants and children. This includes how to support families through the elimination diet and reintroduction challenge in non IgE mediated allergy as well ensuring nutritional adequacy of maternal and child exclusion. The session will also bust common myths associated with milk allergy such as the difference between cow's milk allergy and lactose intolerance and the use of alternative allergy tests. 

Key learning objectives: 

  • Be able to differentiate between IgE mediated and non IgE mediated allergy cow's milk allergy 
  • Understand how to recognise symptoms and when allergy testing is appropriate 
  • Practical strategies to support families nutritionally when families are waiting dietitian review 
  • When onward referral is required and where to signpost to helpful resources

12:00 - 12:45

Management of people with depression in primary care

Chew-Graham will talk about the identification and management of people with depression in primary care, with reference to the updated NICE depression guidance. She will use 'cases' to illustrate key messages.

12:30 - 13:15

Planning for care towards the end of life

  • When is it appropriate to start advance care planning 
  • How to initiate advance care planning discussions 
  • How to navigate challenging discussions regarding end of life wishes 
  • The impact of culture and faith on end of life decisions

LUNCH | (Stream A: 12:45 - 13:45) (Stream B: 13:15 - 14:15)

14:15 - 14:55

Guidance update on type 2 diabetes

  • Practical tips for non diabetic GPs
  • A deeper understanding if SGLT2 agents and when they can be used plus the common ADRs to be aware of
  • Interactive real life case studies

TEA BREAK | (Stream A: 14:40 - 14:50) (Stream B: 14:55 - 15:05)

14:40 - 15:20

Addressing key risk factors for cardiovascular disease: lipids and chronic kidney disease

  • The importance of lipid lowering
  • A pro-active systematic strategy for lipid lowering is required
  • How to use combination therapy to reduce lipid burden
  • Why CKD is a greater risk factor for CVD than diabetes
  • The importance of urine ACR
  • How to optimise CKD to reduce cardiovascular risk

15:05 - 15:35

Effective Contraceptive Counselling

Attendees will be given an insight into how to effectively counsel women on a range of contraceptive options

15:20 - 16:05

Diagnosis and management of prostate cancer

  • The appropriate use of the PSA blood test 
  • How to identify men at risk 
  • The advances in diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer 
  • Penile rehabilitation after treatment

15:35 - 16:20

ENT emergencies

This will be an overview of common ENT emergencies that one may encounter in GP land and also, touch upon some of the ones that are not so common! 

  • What are the key tips to look out for and when and how to act! 
  • What not to do in some cases, when intervention in primary care can be hazardous 
  • Examples- Quinsy, epistaxis, foreign bodies, stridor, sudden hearing loss, nasal fracture, necrotizing otitis externa, Bell’s palsy, to mention some …


AstraZeneca has provided a sponsorship towards this independent Programme. AstraZeneca has had no editorial input into or control over the agenda, content development or choice of speakers, nor opportunity to influence except for the AstraZeneca sponsored symposia presentations.

Organon has provided sponsorship towards the organisation of this independent event. Organon has had no editorial input into or control over the agenda, content development or choice of speakers, nor opportunity to influence except for the Organon sponsored session.